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  • 당신의 IP주소는 입니다.
  • 엄태성 - ********** (비밀글로 작성되었습니다.)
  • blue - I have a bitter taste when I think of South Korea. I learn the following lessons of S.Korea through Mr. Park SiHoo 박시후 case: in South Korea human rights are not respected, the legal system of SK is corrupt and perverted, the police is corrupt, unprofessional, amateur, the media can make or knock down a man, nobody defends the man, because there is no law, the S.Korean society is the one of a double morality – they sell a false picture of their stars, they want a perfect picture of the actors, forgetting the fact that behind their stars are women and men in flesh and blood with good and bad; The film industry in S.Korea smells hard, directors of trusts Korean film hide corruption, discrimination, hidden interest and they play with life of the actors; the majority of Korean citizens are cruel, like vultures and jackals avid blood. Heard Korean society about love your neighbor, about mercy, about forgiveness, about second chance? PSH’s guilt was not proven, so he is innocent. The fact that he had a 1 night stand with someone, bothers citizens, but he is single and who in the entertainment business is a virgin boy? Korean citizens are perfect? without any mistake? If they think this, they are just hypocrites. If the K ent industry and the netizens refused to give PSH a chance then they are the greatest hypocrites in the world. They demand a clean image for their actors what about their image? Actors are human; they are pathetic if they expect their actors to behave like a saint. It’s really sad when they want to impose that false morality on a living, breathing person and punish him for 1 night’s indiscretion by taking away 10 years of hard work!I Two lives are destroyed, they want more blood? Korean citizens want to kill him with rocks? for one night? It has to satisfy them? Who are they? What right do they have to judge other peoples private lives? Only God has the right to judge us. Isn’t PSH being punished enough as it is? Mr.Park Sihoo has been humiliated, offended, insulted, hurt. He was dragged through the mud, even before he had a chance to defend his case. He has lost everything -his good name, his career, his future. How much more he must suffer as the S.Korean society be satisfied? If people of S.Koreans film and entertainment industry abandon PSH because of 1 night stand, they are not only hypocrites, they are jerks. I just want the S. Korea society to know that the world is watching, they should stop destroying Mr.Park SiHoo, he is a brother , a son, a nephew, some one friend, what goes around comes around .
    Mr. Park SiHoo’s dream is to be a good actor. And he is a great and talented actor, with fans worldwide. I pray and I hope he can continue his dream. ( )
  • 엄태성 - ********** (비밀글로 작성되었습니다.)
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