도둑들(The Thieves)
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영화진흥위원회 제공
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영화진흥위원회 제공
손님 314분께서 평가해주신 평균 점수는 10점, 별점(100 / 100) 입니다.
평점 참여는 바로 아래 별점으로 평가해주시면 됩니다.
2022년 별점 : 회원 314분께서 ,점을 평가 해주셨습니다.
2021년 별점 : 회원 491분께서 ,점을 평가 해주셨습니다.
2020년 별점 : 회원 14분께서 점을 평가 해주셨습니다.
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2015년 별점 : 회원 0분께서 ,점을 평가 해주셨습니다.
2014년 별점 : 손님 0분께서 점을 평가 해주셨습니다.
How much is too much?
When it comes to starpower in movies, sometimes, it's a guaranteed winning formula.
But at times, a movie needs starpower because it is filled with flaws.
Something you should keep in mind when choosing your weekly movie.
Today's featured film features arguably the greatest star ensemble in Korean cinema history.
도둑들 or "The Thieves"a caper movie or a heist movie directed by Choi Dong-hoon,
Super-star-studded ensemble that features:
Jeon Ji-hyeon, Lee Jeong-jae, Kim Yoon-seok, Oh Dal-soo, Kim Hae-soo.
Not to mention Kim Soo-hyeon and Simon Yam from Hong Kong.
A gang of South Korean thieves team up with a Hong Kong crew to steal a diamond necklace from a heavily-guarded casino safe in Macau.
As the cops close in, old betrayals — and misunderstandings — resurface.
Hitting six million ticket sales in just eleven days, the action comedy is by far the biggest opening flick at the Korean box office in 2012.
One of the fastest selling movies of all-time in Korea
Does it deliver what's expected of it, or do too many cooks spoil the broth?
회원 로그인 후 접속하신 조회수 입니다.
(비로그인시 카운터 되지 않습니다)
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