원더풀 라디오(Wonderful Radio)

  • 장르 드라마 | 15세이상 관람가
  • 개봉 2012년 01월 05일
  • 감독 권칠인
  • 사이트 공식 홈페이지
  • 줄거리:
  • 폐지 직전 프로그램과 퇴출 위기 DJ가 만났다!

    폐지 직전의 라디오 프로그램 ‘원더풀 라디오’의 DJ 신진아. 국민 요정으로 잘 나가던 시절은 끝난 지 오래, 이제 그녀 곁에 남은 건 10년 차 열혈 매니저 ‘대근’과 유일한 생계 스케줄인 라디오 DJ 자리뿐이다. 하지만 자존심만큼은 전성기 시절 못지 않은 진아. 방송에서 막말하기, 멋대로 신청곡 바꿔 틀기 등 막가파식 진행을 고수하던 어느 날, 더 이상 내려갈 곳도 없는 ‘원더풀 라디오’의 청취율을 올리기 위해 ‘재혁’이 구원 PD로 긴급 투입된다.

    그들의 특별한 생방송 지금, On-Air

    재혁은 ‘원더풀 라디오’의 대대적 개편을 선언하고, 자신을 대놓고 무시하는 새 PD 재혁에 발끈한 진아는 청취자들이 출연해 각자의 사연을 노래로 전하는 ‘그대에게 부르는 노래’를 새 코너 아이디어로 제안한다. 방송 사고 수준의 처참한 첫 방송 이후 쏟아지는 비난에 낙담한 진아, 하지만 두 번째 출연자의 감동 어린 사연과 노래가 전파를 타며 기대 이상의 뜨거운 반응이 쏟아지기 시작하는데…!

    연예계도 예상 못한 대형사고!

    유쾌한 방송가 리얼 스토리가 시작된다!

    The radio is certainly a friendly medium, although the number of loyal listeners seems to be decreasing in this age of stunning visual sensation created by TV and the Internet. Many people still remember listening to their favorite songs and sharing funny or sad stories on the radio before falling asleep when they were young. The romantic comedy “Wonderful Radio,” featuring an idol star-turned-radio DJ as the female protagonist, reminds the audiences once again how strongly the traditional broadcast medium appeals to listeners.

    Shin Jin-ah was a popular leader of a girl band in her heyday, but now all she has left is her goofy manager and her job as a host for “Wonderful Radio,” a radio show suffering from pathetically low ratings. The has-been idol singer, who still likes to reminisce about her glory days, chatters away to her heart’s content and merrily changes song requests to her old hit songs.

    One day, the radio station brings in a new producer, Lee Jae-hyeok, in an effort to save the highly unpopular program. The new guy is unfriendly and smug, although he is known for his ability to get things done. As expected, the fiery radio DJ and the prickly producer argue about everything. Their conflict reaches a peak when the producer declares a revamping of her show to raise ratings. The conceited former diva, of course, doesn’t want to obey him. Inspired by her mother, she comes up with an idea for a new segment where listeners are invited to the radio studio to share their personal stories and sing their favorite songs. She manages to have the segment put on air, but to her disappointment, the first broadcast turns out to be a complete disaster. However, as one listener’s heartbreaking story encourages more listeners to tune in, the new program becomes a surprise success. As time goes by, Jin-ah and Jae-hyeok get to know each other better and grow closer. Just when things start proceeding smoothly, Jin-ah finds herself embroiled in a plagiarism scandal, which is deliberately plotted by a corrupt entertainment agent. Now she must restore her reputation, not as a former idol star, but as a competent composer and beloved radio disc jockey.

    “Wonderful Radio” seems to have all the right elements for a pleasant movie?fun, emotional resonance and music. The old songs featured in the film are particularly appealing to those who grew up listening to K-pop in the 1980s and 90s. Also amusing are the special appearances and cameos of some big names in the local music scene. Written by a producer who is actually working on a radio show, the movie gives the audiences a peek into what goes on behind the making of a radio program. On top of its comical and moving scenes, the film also touches on a serious social problem of cyber terrorism, exemplifying how destructive malicious comments or rumors that people spread online can be.

    While the storyline is rather simple and quite predictable, the film’s star-studded cast is very pleasing to the eye, and its sweet music is delightful to the ears. The hilarious jokes in the movie make the viewers roar with laughter, while the touching stories told by supporting roles warm their hearts. Watching the flick will allow viewers to enjoy various aspects that “Wonderful Radio” brings to the theater.
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