• 원웨이 Oneway
    • 성별(Sex) : 남성 (male)

    ㄴ 로그인 후 스타포인트 적립 가능합니다. (Star points available after login)


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    • 정보확인(Update) : 2012년 10월 19일 (Friday, October 19, 2012)

      SH K-STAR 에서는 보다 신속하고 정확한 인물정보를 제공하기 위해
      확인된 정보에 '정보확인 날짜'를 표시하고 있으니, 참고하셔서
      많은 이용 부탁 드립니다.
      수정 및 삭제는 오른쪽 상단 배너를 이용해 주세요...

    • 직업(Job) : 가수(singer)
    • 조회수(count) :

      회원 로그인 후 접속하신 조회수 입니다.
      (비로그인시 카운터 되지 않습니다)
      2022년 조회수 :
      2014년 조회수 :

    • 소속(Company) : 예전미디어
    • 데뷔(Debut) : 2010년 싱글 앨범 [Oneway]
      • biography

      One Way is a R&B and hip hop group consisting of leader Chance, vocalist Peter, and rapper Young Sky. When the three first debuted, they were dubbed the "next Solid", the iconic 90's R&B group that introduced Kim Jo-han (who's touted as the "father of Korean R&B") to Korea. Though their debut didn't catapult them into top-tier stardom, they worked hard, promoting on various Korean music shows, radio programs, even English radio programs.
      The three's paths crossed while they were outside of Korea. Peter, who spent much of his life in Australia, met Young Sky in Sydney, Australia in high school. Young Sky later moved to Los Angeles, California where he consequently met Chance in high school there. Chance is originally from Los Angeles of the US. In fact, he studied music from the prestigious Berklee College of Music, learning the skills which eventually placed him at the top of the "Hottest Song Composers" list in Korea in 2012 (with his partner, forming the song-writing team "Double Sidekick"). Needless to say, the three are all fluent in Korea and English. Their English fluency is a sure-factor in their international popularity.
      One Way even debuted in the United States at "Korean Night" at Stony Brook University, followed by Rutgers University's Project Korea IV in April of 2011.
      Despite their unique "one way" sound and flavor, the group struggled to attract the attention they deserved. In fact, they saw more success as song writers, composers, and producers. With the experience of having written, composed, arranged, and produced all of their songs themselves, the One Way members started to branch out by writing songs for other acts like Super Junior, 2PM, MBLAQ, Baek Ji-young, Zia, SISTAR, etc. Peter and Young Sky formed DTO (pronounced Detour) and Chance teamed up with Jang Geun-i to form "Double Sidekick". Double Sidekick was praised as the hottest, most successful songwriting team to look out for in 2012.


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