• 레드애플(Led apple) Led apple
    • 성별(Sex) : 남성 (male)

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      시작 날짜 : 2024-12-25
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      검색어 : 레드애플, 가수, 레드애플
      1,000점 만점

    • 소속(Company) : 스타킴엔터테인먼트
    • 데뷔(Debut) : 2010년 디지털 싱글 앨범 [LEDApple]
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      레드애플(Led apple)은 대한민국의 가수 그룹이다. 2010년 10월 7일에 디지털 싱글 앨범 《Led apple》로 데뷔하였다. 현재 멤버는 메인보컬 장한별, 메인래퍼 이규민, 기타, 리더 서영준, 베이스 김광연, 드럼 김효석이다. 소속사는 전 소속사 스타토리를 인수한 스타킴 엔터테인먼트이다.

      Led Apple (Korean: 레드애플), commonly stylized as LEDApple or Ledapple, is five-member South Korean rock band formed by Starkim Entertainment in 2010. The band currently consists of Youngjun, Hanbyul, Hyoseok, Kwangyeon and Kyumin.

      The part "Led" in LEDApple stood for "Logic Egoism Delete" and was promoted during their debut but they stopped referring to it since their CODA mini-album was released. Instead they replaced it with a practical explanation of "shining as brightly as LED whenever they perform" which was eventually referred to as a tribute to their role-model, Led Zeppelin. The word "Apple" in the band's name is supposed to represent their fresh image as idols and fresh music that they release. As of 2011, fans of LEDApple are officially known as "LEDAs".

      The band made their debut on October 6, 2010 with their promotional single, "Dash" (Korean: 대쉬), a remake of Baek Ji-young's song of the same name. Since their debut, the band have released six singles and three mini-albums.

      Led apple(韩语:레드애플)为韩国STARKIM Entertainment旗下五人男子团体,同时为乐团和舞团。于2010年10月7日以单曲《Dash》出道,2011年6月16日正式重组回归。名称含义为“Logic Egonism Delete Apple”。原名为LEDApple,后于2012年1月10日更名为"Ledapple"。现成员为荣俊、晓夕。组合应援色为珍珠蓝绿色,歌迷名称为“Leda”。


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