    • 이승철 Lee Seungchul
    • イ・スンチョル
    • 李承哲
    • 출생(Birthday) : 1966년 12월 05일 ( December / 05 / 1966 )
    • 고향(HomeTown) : 서울특별시(Seoul)
    • 나이(Age) : 59 세 (만57세)
    • 성별(Sex) : 남성 (male)
    • 별자리(Star sign) : 사수자리(Sagittarius)
    • (Chinese zodiac sign) : 말띠(Horse)

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    • 정보확인 : 2014년 01월 01일 (January 01, 2014)

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    • 직업(Job) : 가수(singer)
    • 조회수(count) :

      회원 로그인 후 접속하신 조회수 입니다.
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      오늘 조회수(비로그인 포함) :

    • 신체(Body size) : 170cm, 65kg
    • 혈액형(Blood type) : A형 (Type A)
    • 별명(Nickname) : 망둥어
    • 취미(Hobbies) : 밤낚시
    • 특기(Talent) : 악기연주, 수영, 스키
    • 종교(Religion) : 불교(Buddhist)
    • 데뷔(Debut) : 1986년 부활 1집 앨범 [부활 Vol.1]
    • 좋아하는 음식(Favorite foods) : 생선회
    • 가족(Family) : 배우자 박현정
    • 사이트(Site) :
    • FaceBook
      • 학력
      • 경력
      • 수상
      • biography

      초등학교 : 불광초등학교

      중학교 : 서대문중학교

      고등학교 : 대신고등학교

      대학교 : 수원대학교 기계학과 중퇴

      2011년 제3회 DMZ국제다큐멘터리영화제 조직위원회 위원
      2011년 통일부 홍보대사
      2009년 크라이슬러 코리아 홍보대사
      2009년 포항시장학회 홍보대사
      2007년 한국여성재단 홍보대사
      2006년 2014년 동계올림픽 유치 홍보대사
      2001년 희귀병 환자와 불우이웃돕기 희망 2002 프로젝트 명예대사
      1985년 그룹 부활 멤버

      2013년 Mnet 아시안 뮤직 어워드 베스트 콘서트 퍼포먼스상
      2013년 보건복지부 국민표창
      2012년 제7회 에이어워즈 열정 부문
      2012년 방송통신위원회 방송대상 시상식 지역발전부문 우수상
      2011년 이달의 나눔인 시상식 보건복지부 장관상
      2011년 제4회 스타일 아이콘 어워즈 본상
      2011년 제5회 Mnet 20's Choice 슈퍼스터K온라인 핫 멘토상
      2010년 한국콘텐츠진흥원 공로패
      2009년 제5회 멜론뮤직어워드 Y-Star 라이브상
      2009년 제24회 골든디스크상 디스크 부문 본상
      2009년 제2회 스타일 아이콘 어워즈 공연 예술 부문
      2007년 제19회 한국방송프로듀서상 최고의 가수상
      2005년 KBS 가요 대상 올해의 가수상
      2005년 제2회 한국대중음악상 올해의 가수 남자솔로
      2004년 제15회 서울가요 본상
      2004년 제19회 골든디스크 시상식 본상
      1990년 골든디스크상

      Lee Seung-cheol, dubbed “The Emperor of Live Music,” made his debut in the pop music world in 1985 as the leading vocalist of the band “Boohwal.” However, Boohwal disbanded in October 1988 and since then Lee Seung-cheol has been performing as a solo singer. His solo debut numbers “Don’t Say Good-bye” and “On a Sleepless Night” recorded great hits especially among female teens. Through the series of concerts he held in time with releasing his first solo album, Lee gained his nickname “The Emperor of Live Music.” While enjoying his heydays, Lee, however, was arrested for taking drugs and had to stop his career as a musician for a while. He made a comeback in 1990 with the album “Part 2.” The song “The Last Concert” included in the album was a great hit and gave Lee an opportunity to successfully continue his career as a singer. In the same year, Lee released his second official solo album and the song “I Loved My Friend’s Love” recorded a great hit. However, the drugs problem still lingered on the shadows of Lee and he had to have another hiatus in his career as he was once again arrested for taking drugs. However, Lee didn’t give up his passion for music and came back on stages thorough a series of national tour concerts in 1991. The next year, Lee published a book of journals entitled “The Portrait of Muse.” In 1995, Lee held a memorable concert with the U.S.-based a cappella band “The New York Boys” capturing the hearts of many pop music lovers with sophisticated sounds and melodies. In June, 1995, Lee surprised the public by marrying Kang Moon-young, an actress. However the couple got divorced in March, 1997. With a more mature image since his divorce, Lee has continued active performances in the local pop music scene by releasing albums steadily. Lee also participated in various OSTs for local films and has been holding live concerts in which he can show the best of himself to the fans of his music.

      In 2002, Lee regrouped with his former group ‘Boowhal’ after a rather long 15years of separation and produced the hit ‘Never ending story’ which seemed appropriate regarding the relationship between himself and ‘Boowhal’. This enabled Lee and ‘Boowhal’ to stand center stage once again with nearly 400,000 copies of album sales and a sold-out national tour but the trip was to be short lived which left Lee and ‘Boowhal’ to go on to their separate ways. However, this didn’t slow Lee down at all. Determined as ever, Lee Seung-Chul continued to put out album after album, even a cooking-book of his favorite recipes. Furthermore, he celebrated his 20th anniversary since his debut in 2005 with a successful nation-wide tour and a Christmas concert which closed a very busy year for the singer.

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