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건축학개론(Architecture 101)
- 장르 멜로/애정/로맨스
- 개봉 2012년 03월 22일
- 감독 이용주
- 누적 관객수 : 4,114,160명
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영화진흥위원회 제공 - 누적 매출액 : 30,245,688,400원
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영화진흥위원회 제공 - 사이트 : 공식 홈페이지
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- 어쩌면…사랑할 수 있을까? 건축학개론 수업에서 그녀를 처음 만났다
생기 넘치지만 숫기 없던 스무 살, 건축학과 승민은 '건축학개론' 수업에서 처음 만난 음대생 서연에게 반한다. 함께 숙제를 하게 되면서 차츰 마음을 열고 친해지지만, 자신의 마음을 표현하는 데 서툰 순진한 승민은 입 밖에 낼 수 없었던 고백을 마음 속에 품은 채 작은 오해로 인해 서연과 멀어지게 된다.
어쩌면 다시…사랑할 수 있을까? 15년 만에 그녀를 다시 만났다
서른 다섯의 건축가가 된 승민 앞에 15년 만에 불쑥 나타난 서연. 당황스러움을 감추지 못하는 승민에게 서연은 자신을 위한 집을 설계해달라고 한다. 자신의 이름을 건 첫 작품으로 서연의 집을 짓게 된 승민, 함께 집을 완성해 가는 동안 어쩌면 사랑이었을지 모를 그때의 기억이 되살아나 두 사람 사이에 새로운 감정이 쌓이기 시작하는데…
all the possible lines and plots have been done to death!
recycled, re-shuffled, re-vamped....
I personally will not tolerate
any more predictability in the realm of romantic movies!
Which is why I felt a good romantic comedy works best.
But you know what, sometimes.
It's about the simplest things.
And focusing on the simplest facts and bits and pieces
The latest spin from K-town... Hallyu-wood...
offers a very satisfying ride to actually, surprisingly two very segmented sides.
Those who yearn for a dose of romance.
Those who have gone past that stage,
and somewhat have become numb or immune
to all the formulae and plots and twists movie magic throws at us.
It's called "Architecture 101"
directed by Lee Yong-joo
살인의 추억, Memories of Murder (2003)
As the title suggests,
the core element that brings our lovers together
is an introductory class to architecture in college.
Starring Uhm Tae-woong and Han Ga-in
two 30somethings who knew each other in college.
Now they have their own lives.
own partners, success and failures.
and they get together on a home-remodelling project.
The long forgotten past episodes of
what could have been between them
are revisited once again.... one by one.
And those days are the early 90s.
here's a plucky little love tune from that era
played during one of their flashbacks
The story shifts into a different gear when
we go back to their college freshmen years
the younger duo is played by
이제훈 and 배수지 of MISS A
What's beautiful about young, very young love
is that they don't know what love is.
and they'd like to know.
they don't know why
but they want to be with each other.
Everyone can relate to
how the two youths grow
into what they didn't know was love
ironically, they are so new at it,
slightest wrong timing,
the wrong thing said at a bad time,
bad things done at a wrong time.
can have adverse effects.
And as grown ups,
after years passed,
and all the pain and hurt from their first love
they trail back,
and have the void that caused misunderstandings
filled in by the other...
And they realize
how important each other was.
but more importantly...
what they had in the past,
and what they have now
and what they can have
THey wonder, and you wonder... if we met at a different time in our lives,
if I was a different person at that time... could things have been better....
the story suggests.... perhaps it is what it is. beautiful, painful, perfect.
because the memory is yours and who you are
you look back
at your puppy love... or the first love
and you are ashamed at how vulnerable you were
you find solice knowing
you know you won't let anyone hurt you like
that person did that time
BUT You look back and smile
realizing how pure and innocent love was
and how you may never feel that way
be as in love without thinking,
without calculating
without logic
without prior experience or encounters to compare and measure
just you heart and the being that makes you feel this way
Here's the song that seem
to sum up everything the movie wants to say
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