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    • 수정 : 2022년 07월 15일 16:14 (July 15, 2022)

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    • 데뷔(Debut) : 2017년 싱글 앨범 [내꿈꿔]
      • 약력
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      • biography

      버스터즈(Bursters)는 대한민국의 록 밴드이다. 엠넷의 《슈퍼스타K 6》에 버스터리드(Burstered)로 출연하였으며, 2017년에 이름을 바꾸었다

      2020 한국소아암재단 홍보대사
      2019 한국완구협회 홍보대사

      2018 제26회 대한민국 문화연예대상 K-POP 가수상
      2017 제25회 대한민국 문화연예대상 K-POP 신인상

      Bursters (Hangul: 버스터즈, formerly known as Burstered (버스터리드) is a South Korean metalcore under Evermore Music. The group first appeared on Superstar K6, in which the band finished at Top 6 as the first-ever heavy rock band in Superstar K history to do so. They released their debut album, Live In Hope, on April 16, 2017, which received a high score of 85/100 on Japan's renowned hard rock and metal magazine Burrn!. The band is also the first Korean artist to have been included in the weekly radio playlist of Kerrang! with the single "Barriers".

      The first single, "Colors", off of their second album, Once and For All, was released on February 19, 2020.


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